2019: The Power of Love And Vulnerability

Hello! Today is the 18th November 2019, and I realise that I haven't written a blog post on here since December last year. Well, many, many things have happened since then, and looking back on these old blog posts warms my little heart.

Femme as a platform has really grown over the last year; in January we held our first event, featured on a podcast, went on BBC Nottingham and Kemet Fm, celebrated International Women's Day, did a workshop for a University for International Women's Day, celebrated Femme's 1st birthday, began working on our full sized magazine, did a successful fundraiser, I became self employed with Femme, started working with Loughborough University to create a programme of health and well being activities for 2 halls, and now we're getting ready to print our first full sized magazine!

Everything has changed and this year has been such a wild ride. If you're interested to see/hear more, head over to our Instagram (femmefatalegals) where we have been documenting the whole journey. And watch out over the next few weeks for the release of our new magazine. Until then, I leave you with a little video I recorded, discussing The Power of Love And Vulnerability. Enjoy!

Khaya xox


Femme Fatale Gals: In Conversation - Peggy DiGioia-Davies


Trying Not To Offend Men When Talking About Femme