Over the years, Femme Fatale has been the phrase that has helped guide me into my womanhood. Being a young woman in today's society is scary. We have so much more freedom than the women who walked before us but still so many restrictions and things to fear. How do we take charge of our lives? How do we become empowered? How do we use our voices in business and in love? How can we become better business women whilst balancing time for ourselves? How do we manage our own traumas whilst trying to support all of the other women struggling in the world?

These are struggles we can all relate to. I've learned a lot about myself over the past 3 years of running this platform, speaking to other women and doing my own healing. For me, Femme Fatale Gals is about self development. Sisterhood. Community. Honesty and vulnerability. These are our strengths as women. We use the phrase as fuel and inspiration to help us in becoming the women that we want to be: courageous, unapologetic, assertive, confident and free.

The past 3 years have been amazing, challenging and beautiful. Thank you so much for sticking with me, and for allowing me to find my voice. When I first started this platform I was 19 years old and looking for an outlet. I just wanted a safe space to create and figure myself out! I've watched myself grow and bloom over the years, and that's the biggest gift of all.

You never ever know what can become of your small ideas, and you never have to identify with the negative stories that others have of you. I'm glad I didn't!

This brings me onto a very special announcement...

The Femme Fatale Gals theme for 2021 is Becoming.Submissions open May 3rd 2021. More details to come!In honour of the theme, I’ve written an ebook and designed an online course in which will be available over spring time, that you can buy/download. …

The Femme Fatale Gals theme for 2021 is Becoming.

Submissions open May 3rd 2021. More details to come!

In honour of the theme, I’ve written an ebook and designed an online course in which will be available over spring time, that you can buy/download. It has guided meditations I’ve made, worksheets, affirmations and more! I will be hosting an introductory workshop to the course next month, which is all about embodying our best selves and becoming all that we are meant to be in this world.

Not only did I want this to be the theme for the magazine but we’re all missing community more than ever right now, so I wanted to create a course and a space in which we can work through together and hold each other accountable for.

I'm incredibly grateful to still be here after all of these years of growth and struggle, and I'm excited every day to be embodying a Femme Fatale Gal myself. Sign up for the workshop below!


All my love,

Khaya xxx


